Sunday, September 27, 2009

And then there was woman...

We’re looking at Genesis 2b, and I’ll go ahead and define that for you as verses 15 through 25. God just finished preparing the garden of Eden and puts Adam in it. (This is a more detailed account of the sixth day of creation, by the way. Adam has been created, but Eve has not yet.) For some reason, this makes me think of dragging Adam over like in the Sims or something. God figures Adam might be getting lonely. I’ve never heard this passage focused in on, so it’s understandable if you think this is right where Eve comes in. After all, “it is not good for man to be alone” is like the slogan verse for marriage, right? Well, not yet.

The first thing God does after saying that is create the animals and place them in Eden as well. God brings them before Adam so he can name them all. (What a job!) Look close at verse 20 here. Out of the NASB, “the man gave names to all the cattle, and to every beast of the field, but for Adam there was not found a helper suitable for him.” So God knows Adam needs companionship. The first thing He gives to Adam is all the animals, but that’s not the kind of company Adam needs. More creatures then you can probably imagine, and none of them filled Adam’s need. Then only after all of that is when God creates Eve. Adam calls her “bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh”.

So that’s cool, right? Adam’s got a wife so perfect, it’s as if they were made for each other. And yes, that’s exactly what they were. You may hear this brought up in the context of marriage, and that’s fine and good, but I see an image that goes beyond that. I see a snapshot of relationships in general and how God intended them. If Adam was supposed to be superior or the ‘master’, any animal would do. He could have got an old dog and sat on the proverbial porch. This isn’t what God created us for though. The only companion that will suffice was another human being, an equal. Another rational, intelligent person with a will of her own. Sadly, that’s not how men (or some women for that matter) treat their significant other, is it? Men and women are different, despite whatever modern political correctness might try to stuff down your throat, but even in our difference, we were created equal. Of course, God has a lot more to say on that subject, but I felt this was worth mentioning since it’s the first picture of relationships, right as the first two humans are made.

That’s all for today. As always, please comment if you have thoughts. Then again, if you don’t have thoughts, you might want to see help about that. Also, the take-home question for today is: A did Adam and Eve have belly buttons and B what difference could it possibly make to us today? Stay tuned for when I share a little of my takeaway from the retreat. (Not involving belly buttons.)

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